An Honorable Service
Despite his unusual role in the army, Knotts was recognized as a highly decorated non-combatant. He was discharged in 1946 after three years in the service. Knotts served in the U.S. Army from June 21, 1943, to January 6, 1946. He was discharged in the rank of Technician Grade 5 (which was the equivalent to a Corporal).

Photo by Globe Photos / mediapunch / Shutterstock
Throughout his service, Knotts was given several honors. He got four notable medals, including the World War II Victory Medal, Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal, Honorable Service Lapel Button, and a marksmanship badge. He didn’t fight the enemies, but he had a meaningful role in bringing smiles to the soldier’s faces. If there was anything those soldiers needed in those times, it was some comedy.