These Pregnancy Announcements Are Cute as a Button

Balloons Pop Just Like Babies Do Coming Out Of Their Mothers Womb

Simple is always better. So how about you just use some balloons as this couple did and announce the joyous occasion in your life? All they did was take two ordinary balloons in a neutral color and blew them up as fast as they could go.



On the balloon held by the to-be mother was written the words ‘Expected To Pop’ and on the balloon held by the to-be father was written the expectant date to pop. This scenario was made funnier by the couple actually popping the balloons once their family was done being shocked.

Balloon Fact: In 1824, Scientist, Michael Faraday made rubber bags during one of his experiments. He decided to fill it up with gas study it. He quickly noticed that the bag turned elastic and expanded. Just one year later balloons were sold and manufactured like they are today!

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