NFL Coach Discovers Long-Time Mentor is His Biological Father

A Sense of Mystery

Kansas City Chiefs running backs coach, Deland McCullough, knew from a very young age that he was adopted, but it wasn’t until he started having a family of his own that he began the search for his biological parents. Already 44 years old, Deland realized that it was about time he started asking questions about his biological family’s background, even if his adoptive parents didn’t know where he came from.

Deland McCullough on the field holding a football

Source: Twitter

Deland couldn’t help but wonder where he got his deep voice and height from, and from which parent he inherited his introverted personality. As his own family grew, he wondered which family member passed on their muscular build onto his son Dason, or who else in his biological family had glasses like his other son, Daeh.

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