Sneaky Tricks Advertisers Use To Make Their Food Look Irresistible

Shoe Polish Burgers

Whether you’re a vegan, vegetarian or a meat fanatic, most people would admit that the burgers in commercials look like chargrilled masterpieces. Well, the meat always looks more juicy, succulent and irresistible on TV. Still, this is another trick that the food stylists probably wouldn’t want us to know. The burger hack commonly used in the industry is, in fact, shoe polish.



In reality, the burgers you see in the commercials are nothing like the one you’d expect to eat in the restaurant. That’s because the burger patties are almost raw and are lightly roasted for just a few seconds. The reason that they look so brown is that photographers coat the patties with shoe polish. Then they make the burger look chargrilled with hot skewers. No wonder our burgers don’t look the same!

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