What’s Real and What Isn’t on the Popular Show Gold Rush

Like Father, Like Son

Todd Hoffman didn’t start his career as a gold miner. Many years before the show, Todd decided to invest some money in an airport, having bought and operated it! The airport is located in Sandy, Oregon, and is utilized solely by small planes. But the airline business slowed down significantly, and it was no longer a way for him to make a living.

Todd Hoffman

Source: ecelebrityfacts.com

After 2008’s recession cost him his job, Hoffman needed to get creative. Remembering his father’s old stories of mining gold in the 80s is what inspired Todd to follow in his footsteps. Not only did Hoffman pursue a mining career, but he also decided to take us along on his journey through the Gold Rush. Going from unemployed to earning a cool $25,000 per episode, Todd’s life has definitely changed considerably.

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