Kevin Costner Finds True Love After Leading the Bachelor Life for Decades

Kevin Michael Costner was born on January 18, 1955, in California. The youngest son in a modest family living in Compton, little did his parents know that he would grow up to be one of Hollywood’s – if not the world’s – most notorious bachelors. When he married his college sweetheart at just 20 years old, it seemed as though he was set for life, especially following the arrival of their three children. But that was not to be – instead; it was just the beginning of a tumultuous love life that spanned across decades.

Kevin cosner

Photo by Eduardo Parra/WireImage

As Costner shot to fame, the steady path he had embarked on with his first wife veered swiftly and sharply off course, and it wasn’t long before he had gained a reputation as a “womanizer.” In this article, we document the long list – and it really is long – of beautiful, smart, and successful women that Costner has been affiliated with during the course of his life and exactly what – and who – caused him to leave that lifestyle in the past.

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